Fellowship of Christian Students
Fellowship of Christian Students
Purpose: To promote Christian fruit by serving our school and community. Open for membership in August each year. Club membership is unlimited. Students must be willing to attend club meetings and participate in club projects and activities. Students must abide by the NO PASS--NO PLAY POLICY and may not have hada disciplinary review with Administration.Students will be required to have a parent signature agreeing to uphold the responsibilities and duties pertaining to this club. Attend monthly meetings (During Snack), meetings will be posted on High School TV and Club Google ClassroomsParticipate in 1 in-school service and 1 community service projectParticipate in at least 1 chapel serviceProposed Projects: Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes: Promoting, Packing, and Delivering ShoeboxesJoey Truck Drive: Collecting and Delivering Toy TrucksCameron Connor Fundraiser